I am headed out to North Carolina on Thursday for the She Speaks conference. If any of you are still out there reading the blog, that is the reason I have not had many posts the past week. I have been putting together a book proposal, writing and practicing two different talks, and freaking out off and on.
My TMJ is acting up. I actually had forgotten my jaw was ever an issue until this week. I can't chew, my jaw is popping and eating is painful. I guess the stress is manifesting itself at night while I sleep. I must be clenching. I teased Shon when I said, "It is not my stomach bothering me this time (when I am nervous, my ulcer inflames), but when I get stressed something always keeps me from eating." I know, you all wish you had that problem.
Please pray for me if you think about it these next couple of days. My kids are sad that I am going to be gone, my mom and Shon will be taking care of them, so pray for their comfort and safety as I am away. Also pray for my safety as I fly out on Thursday and return on Monday. I will be getting a rental car in Charlotte and driving an hour to Concord NC, in the dark at 11:30 pm on Thursday night. I have to find my hotel in a strange land in the middle of the night so a little concerned.
The conference actually starts at 1:00 on Friday and goes through 12:00 on Sunday. There are 550 women who will be in attendance. There are writers, bloggers, speakers and ministry leaders from all over the US coming to learn more about how to do ministry. I will meet with two publishers; one on Friday at 6:45 (Kregle Publishing) and one on Saturday 1:45 (David C. Cook). I will speak before a group of my peers on Friday night at 8:00, and again in front of a Proverbs 31 evaluator on Saturday night at 8:00. All the rest of the time will be spent in break out groups learning more about the writing and publishing world. Even though I am in the writers block, I hope to gain information about blogging as well.
I will start writing real posts/devotions again next week. I am going to send out an email to everyone letting them know how the conference went next week when I get home.
Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved. Proverbs 16:3
A man's heart plans his ways, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9
Looking forward to meeting you at the conference! Hang in there- you'll get it all done and arrive unscathed to the conference.
By the way, love the name. Perhaps my opinion is tainted though.
Heather T
I would love to do what you do - I really enjoy speaking and teaching, but alas, I am the SAHM of two very little ones and they are my priorites. One day perhaps... :)
Sarah, five years ago I was exactly where you are at now. Each season has its own challenges and its own blessings. If the Lord has placed speaking and teaching into your heart, one day that is exactly what He will call you to do. Learn from today's experiences , because those experiences are what you will build on for tomorrow
In His Love,
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