Jealousy can manifest itself in many ways; angry outbursts, selfish demands, withdrawal, distancing, disrespect, devaluing others, resentment, distrust, control, being threatened and many more.
Because pride is at the root of jealousy, it is an emotion that should not be allowed much say in our lives. Pride is a sin and when it begins to control our emotions, it overwhelms all other areas. Jealousy and anger are two emotions that God has given us, and they can be useful to us at times, but they should be controlled. They are self-protective and when they are allowed to rule us, others are injured. Jealousy and anger are the dominate emotions of our fleshly natures and that is why they need to be limited.
Humility is the key to the limiting their influence in our lives. It is when we are fully surrendered to the Holy Spirit that His fruit will be freely revealed in and through us. The difference between the emotions of jea

Wow, I never would have guessed that pride is the root of jealousy. Do you have any other information you would be willing to share on this topic?
Thank you,
Tina Orsborn
I don't really have any more information on jealousy. The idea that pride is the root of it arose from some areas I was struggling with in my own life. The Lord talked to me about my attitude and focus and that is where that post came from.
I have found that most all sin is grounded in self focus, or as James called them, "our own selfish desires."
Love to hear any insight you might add to what I have been learning.
In Him,
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