Wednesday, June 4, 2008


We often see Jesus as a genie in a lamp. We rub the lamp through prayer. We ask for our three wishes so that we can have an abundant life, free from pain and filled with prosperity. We pray in the name of Jesus, and claim all manner of things. We forget prayer is for us to know God and what He wants rather than for Him to know what we want.

Prayer is not a tool we use to get our way or fix our lives. It is a conversation that builds a relationship.

In my life, the trial actually produces the fruit. For some reason, we believe that we should have a life free from pain. I am not sure when the teaching on what it means to be a Christian became so misguided. Christ suffered, and we are to identify with Him in our sufferings. It is through His suffering that we know Him most deeply. Apart from Him, apart from what He suffered for us on the cross, we can do nothing.
The next time you are hurting, talk to Jesus. He might not decide to take your pain away, but He will walk with you through it.

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

Hi, friend!! LOVE the blog--and miss you! So you know I'll be a regular here! Covering you in prayer for She Speaks. You know I KNOW God has amazing things in store for your ministry--I look forward to hearing how your journey unfolds! Before long, I'll be teaching YOUR Bible studies!! Thank you for being so "real." We need more of that, for sure. You rock!! Thanks for letting God use you!